Category: Wildlife

thrush eating snail

The Threat to British Wildlife

By now we are all aware of global warming, and can see that climate change is affecting all living things on the planet. Here in Britain, wildlife is in decline, not just because of climate change, but also because of human behaviour and our relationship with the countryside and its wildlife. What can we do about it? It is such a vast problem that it is all too easy to think that anything we might do, will make very little difference. But that just isn’t true. We can’t save the planet on our own, but change starts with each of us,...

wild flowers

You can grow a mini meadow, however small your garden

What is a garden wildflower meadow? A garden wildflower meadow is an area of grass and wildflowers allowed to grow naturally. The flowers are the ones you find growing wild in the countryside not the cultivated annuals and perennials found in most gardens. You may wonder whether it is worth trying to make a wildflower meadow, especially if your garden in very small. Perhaps you have a tiny lawn and not much growing space. Maybe you have a paved back yard with no garden at all. But if you have an interest in the environment and want to help British wildlife,...

window box

Seven easy ways to help wildlife, even if you don’t have a garden

So you live in a town or city and you don’t have a garden. Can you go anything worthwhile to help wildlife thrive?
Of course you can. It needn’t cost very much, either in money or time. Once you have set up your wildlife friendly area you can sit back and enjoy watching the birds and the bees (and butterflies) visiting their new habitat.
Here are just a few easy ways you can start to make a difference. You may like to try them all, or just try out one or two suggestions. Every little helps!